Weeknotes March 17 2025


  • Things are still quiet as next steps are determined for sunsetting the current project I'm on. Hoping I move to something new sooner rather than later.
  • Working on overhauling some documentation for our app's middleware that has largely gone untouched for about 5 years.
  • Removing a LOT of dead code from the aforementioned middleware in anticipation of rolling it down. Knip is a godsend.
  • Got tapped on the shoulder to potentially contribute to decisions around what our company's "core" tech stack is going to look like next, i.e. the default we recommend to new clients. Largely going to involve discussing technical tradeoffs and trying out tools for viability. Should be fun!

Other Dev

  • Started overhauling this site's design on a branch. I was maybe a little too ambitious with the design I sketched out, but doing my darnedest to make it work because I'm fairly proud of it.
  • Once again telling myself I should set up linters and then avoiding it.


  • Course work is on the backburner once again this week, unfortunately. Having a weirdly exhausting week
  • I did pick up a physical copy of The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman that I'm keen to tackle at some point. I'm hoping it encourages me to approach some maths-related-stuff and stick with it
  • Did a deep-dive into DNS to refresh my knowledge, since it came up at work and I found myself relatively lost
  • My team lead imparted his wisdom around tidying up dead code, which I appreciate


  • Finished reading "Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory" by Raphael Bob-Waksburg (yes, the writer behind Bojack Horseman). This has reaffirmed that refusing to watch Bojack Horseman was a good idea for the sake of my mental health. Brilliant book, but soul-crushing in a lot of ways.
  • I picked up a couple of colouring books as a way to unwind! Haven't been super motivated to make original art for the longest time, so hoping this helps me restart a creative habit in a low-commitment way.
  • Was struggling to hit the C5 note in Don't Stop Believin' by Journey at singing lessons again. Tried out Somebody to Love by Queen on a whim, and effortlessly belted the cleanest C5 of my life. Tension continues to be my enemy.
  • I got diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, and Dyscalculia. I have a lot of feelings to process and unpack, but it feels validating to have a formal diagnosis for some things I have suspected for years (the dyscalculia was a surprise though!)